Plugin has main.js file. It conains class of the plugin with 3 major fucntion .init .send .cancel .Init function. this function have to recive data form eny next__ or finish__ fucntion. Init function maut recive two pratamenters, 1. data , wgich is normal next_ form data 2. callback function to deal with plugun data afetr is finish job. tjis function usualy same as any next__ but it recive not form element but allready data as argument! .Send fucntion Htis fucntion recive data from iframe , close iframe and send data to calback fucntion paset eraly on to init function .Calcne fucntuion htis function made as option to close iframe witj not data submited.It locse oframe and rmeove it ** to get local texts for module u have to remake inclode text json mecanizm to local load. this cna be done on each index $php_js->texts = file_exists("../../texts.json") && filesize("../../texts.json") > 10 ? @file_get_contents("../../texts.json") : "{}";